First results for the development of the cultural heritage of the “Cementerio Sud” (San Andrés de Giles, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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Leandro Luna
Claudia Aranda
Gabriel Acuña Suarez
Sonia L. Lanzelotti
Pablo Rodríguez


The research and heritage program implemented in the archaeological site named Cementerio Sud (San Andrés de Giles, Buenos Aires, Argentina), where the local inhabitants of the region were buried between 1874 and 1919, is shown. The lines of study included in this multidisciplinary proposal are described, and both the activities carried out and the initial results obtained, are reported. This project is structured around four main axes: 1) architectural diagnosis and preservation; 2) analysis of the documentation and the oral history; 3) exchange of knowledgeand interaction with the community; and 4) bioarchaeological and mortuary studies. The aim is to contribute to the protection and valorization of the cultural heritage of the cemetery, to know about the process of its conformation and use, to understand the perception the nowadays inhabitants of the city have, and to offer interpretations from historic bioarchaeology. Emphasis is placed on the constant interaction with the community, which enhances the results because of the priority role given to the knowledge, concerns and wisdom of the neighbors.

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How to Cite
Luna, L., Aranda, C., Acuña Suarez, G., Lanzelotti, S. L., & Rodríguez, P. (2019). First results for the development of the cultural heritage of the “Cementerio Sud” (San Andrés de Giles, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). Mundo De Antes, 13(2 (julio-diciembre), 175–196.


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