Phylogeny, innovation and technological turnover in the mid-Holocene projectile points from the southern Andean Highlands.

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Marcelo Cardillo
Hernán Muscio


In this work we approach the study of the tempo and mode of evolution of the Mid- Holocene lanceolate projectile points from the southern Andean Highlands, by analyzing the formal continuity of some designs and the temporal overlap of classes and attributes of the points. Through the construction of chronophylograms we show the existence of differences over time in the rate of innovation of the lithic points and their characters, the increase in the longevity of the classes along time, and a mosaic evolution structure, with certain traits depicting directional dynamics while others random Brownian motion patterns. We conclude that since the beginnings of the Mid-Holocene, a larger hunter gatherer population along the specialization in camelid hunting led to the selective evolution of a greater diversity of classes of points, which over time gave rise to the evolution of classes with greater longevity due to competition. Furthermore, the coexistence of different weapon systems and hunting strategies with different performance allowed both greater variability and the non-directional evolution of attributes in the phylogeny of these artifacts.

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How to Cite
Cardillo, M., & Muscio, H. (2021). Phylogeny, innovation and technological turnover in the mid-Holocene projectile points from the southern Andean Highlands. Mundo De Antes, 15(2 (julio-diciembre), 13–38.


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