he world of indigenous labour force in the Andes during Colonial times Commented by Rossana Barragán y María Concepción Gavira Márquez

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Raquel Gil Montero
Rossana Barragán Romano
María Concepción Gavira Márquez


This essay is structured around a classical question for both social historians and Andean historiography: How did the Spanish conquerors incorporate the indigenous population to their enterprises as labour force? The text begins with a summary of the answers given to this question, discussing them in the light of new developments in the studies of this region, including some that are now in process. My contribution focuses on two aspects developed at the end of the essay. On the one hand, the analytical decomposition of some of the key concepts proposed by the pioneers in Andean history what allows a reconsideration of some categories that we now know better thanks to new monographies. On the other hand, an emphasis is placed on chronology, specificity of different historical periods and specific situations and changes over time; all aspects that are sometimes discussed in those models, even if partially.

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How to Cite
Gil Montero, R., Barragán Romano, R., & Gavira Márquez, M. C. (2016). he world of indigenous labour force in the Andes during Colonial times: Commented by Rossana Barragán y María Concepción Gavira Márquez. Mundo De Antes, 9, 13–42. https://doi.org/10.59516/mda.v9.173
Opinion Essay


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