Barniz de las rocas y espacios persistentes: su abordaje desde los procesos de reclamación artefactual lítica en Amaicha del Valle (Tucumán)
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Rock’s varnish chemical and morphological characteristics have promoted its use as a dating tool in certain archaeological and geologic events. In archaeological studies, the advantages and limits of this method are been discussed, especially in relation to its utility as absolute dating and chronological conclusions. Considering this we present information about the geomorphological and archaeological varnish relevance at Amaicha del Valle as tool to infer reclamation processes in persistent spaces. We make a revision of former studies made by researchers of the Centro de Estudios de Regiones Secas (CERS) in the ‘80s. In this discussion desert varnish is related to current environmental information available for the area. The paper presents the information referred to the varnish in three axes: 1) natural formation processes; 2) archaeological relevance as valid tool for absolute dating and, 3) potential use in the analysis of persistent spaces, related to lithic reclamation, taking the area of Amaicha del Valle, Tucumán, as a case study.
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