This Journal belongs to the Instituto de Arqueología y Museo of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and it is dedicated to the diffusion of unpublished and original research in the area of Social Sciences, with special reference to Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnohistory. The Journal is aimed at a general academic public. Starting in 2024, the Journal adopted a Continuous Publishing Model, but keeping its presentation of two annual numbers.

MUNDO DE ANTES adhere to the Code of Ethics and Good Practices for editors of scientific journals proposed by the Committee of Publication Ethics, in order to maintain the ethics and quality of the published articles. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism or other unethical practices will not be tolerated and therefore, submitted or published works will be removed at any stage of the editorial process.

Mundo de Antes ha ingresado a SciELO 


Desde junio de 2024, Mundo de Antes ha sido admitida en SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), que es una biblioteca electrónica que conforma una red iberoamericana de colecciones de revistas científicas en texto completo y con acceso abierto, libre y gratuito.

Actualmente nos encontramos en el proceso de carga de nuestros archivos. Muy pronto, les estaremos comunicando cuando estén disponibles en línea.

Vol. 18 (2024)

Published: 2024-04-17

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